Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I've been at a loss for inspiration and information to put in the blog lately. Our lives are the same as usual; soccer 4 days a week, baseball 2 days a week, my crazy work schedule (hence sleeplessness follows), etc. My dad did come for a weekend visit.....finally! It was so nice to see him again. I forgot to take photos though. I meant to.

I've been working in my flower beds...weeding, pruning shrubs, etc. This year I decided to put down that weed blocking fabric stuff. It was actually pretty simple....and the weather was outstanding! PLUS, I did it all by myself......very peaceful! I think I'll put in some cone flowers and Shasta daisies....and probably some Gerbra (sp?) daisies....they are so pretty and colorful! I've not planted any of these before, but I think they would make a nice addition to the boxwoods that are thriving.

I guess our big news is our summer vacation trip to Cocoa Beach in mid-June. My sister-in-law owns a time share and won't be using their time this year. We are planning beach time, a trip to Kennedy Space Center, kayaking with the dolphins and manatees among the mangroves and perhaps a trip to Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum in St. Augustine. I know the "shelling" won't be as spectacular as it is on Captiva Island, but's a beach! FUN!


2 kids...3 martinis said...

Good to see you're back! The flowers sound lovely (we can't even plant until late May due to frost possiblities). The vacation will be nice too...great deal from your sister-in-law! Glad your dad came for a visit too. I know how much you've missed him. Keep us updated, even if you think it's mundane, it's nice to hear.

Diana said...

Welcome back:)
I keep checking and checking and today it was a WOOHOO she's back!!!
We are not going on vacaction till AUGUST which is a long way OFF!! Before you buy some of those flowers check with me. We might have stuff to split. (Hank is the yard man..I am the pool floater:)

Suzanne said...

A vacation on the beach sounds GREAT right now! I know you will all have a wonderful time. At least you like gardening, I have to admit it is not on my list of things to do.