Monday, February 25, 2008

In The Works

I did it! I actually picked out a lovely shade of blue, inspired by the Sunflower Stripe fabric on my NEW and adorable Longaberger basket. I've ordered a few liners to add more color! I painted the ceiling on Friday night...the walls Saturday and I am still a bit achy. Look what happens when you turn 40! I will get round to painting the trim when I've I am going to try to take an hour today and tomorrow and begin sorting and packing for the move up the two flights of stairs. That is when I am going to have to call in my pack-mule (AKA Paul). He puts up with so much from me! lol Hopefully, by Saturday evening, I will be moved in and creating lovely artsy-fartsy stuff!

The boys are doing great! Alex is working with Jacob H. on the science fair project. I will post pics when Samantha passes them along to me. It's a hoot! Scotty is working on his Famous American Report.....George Lucas! That is my little Star Wars fan!

Friday, February 22, 2008

New "Space" In The Works?

I am never sure what to call the place I create my arts/craft projects. Is it a studio? That sounds so I REALLY think I am artist-quality. But to me, it's more than just a craft room or space. Not that, at the moment, it really matters. I am back in the corner of our dark basement. I've added lights,'s carpeted but it's also wood-paneled. YUCK! There are no windows to speak of and it's shared with the computers and video games and constant clutter that the kids use. Do you remember the episode of "WKRP in Cincinnati" where Les Nessman used masking tape to create his office barriers? OK....I feel like Les! I NEED my own space....with a door! I have juggled spots in the house for 7 years (I think) trying to create the perfect "creative nest" for myself. At one point I commandeered the guest room.....but that was brief as I felt guilt for making our guests sleep in the basement. Since my mother's death in April, we have no guests. My dad is RV-ing in FL, Paul's family never visits so there is this room with unlimited potential just calling my name. I have grand ideas....paint colors...shelves hidden away in a HUGE closet....and most importantly LIGHT! There is a nice sized window that gets light ALL afternoon. Should I make the move? Take the space and make it MY "creative nest?"

I think a trip to Lowe's is in our future today.....the paint chips are calling me. This is the feel I am going for.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wednesday Stamper Challenge - Bookmark

Yes, I think my creative mojo may have resurfaced. Let's hope it sticks around for more than a few hours. Deep introspection and facing some ugly truths may have something to do with finding the key to unlock this slump.

For this bookmark, I cut down a large, manila shipping tag, stamped the images using Colorbox Chalk inks. I love the soft and melty look those give. I edged the bookmark with mossy green glittery embossing powder and topped it off with twine and glass beads.

Friday, February 8, 2008

1/2 Day Bliss

I was dreading the thought of two 1/2 days of school in a row. After all, I need my Di-time, right? But the boys have been outstanding AND fun! They played outside with the neighbor kids, watched a little TV and have been playing Toon Town on the computer. This leaves me with a ton of free time. So it was time to get my "craft on!" I actually MADE Valentine cards! I did! Really!!!! I have several varieties and really enjoyed making them.

The boys have Futsol Soccer tonight and Sunday, but we get a break tomorrow. Alex's indoor team is off tomorrow.....I can already smell the coffee!

On a funny side-note, the song "Crazy Train" by Ozzy came on the radio and Scotty asked me, "Why is that guy singing about crickets?" I responded (very confused), "Crickets?!?" And he replied, "Yes, he's saying cricket train." I laughed so hard!!!!! Maybe Ozzy will bite the head off of a cricket next! lol

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Wednesday Stamper - Asian Art

This is a card front I made a while back....always loved it just never could part with it. My favorite flower in my garden beds is the Japanese Iris so I HAD to have this stamp. I cannot remember where I got it from....maybe Prickly Pear? It's a shame that the color of the photo came out so poorly. It's really supposed to be a lovely shade of purple with white irises, gold edging and spring-green micro beads. I took several shots and none of them captured the true color....but you get the idea. I love the weekly challenges on Wednesday Stamper....check it out!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


It finally caught up with me....illness! I think every sort of illness has been floating around the past few months and this one caught up with me. Fever, cold and chest congestion. Yuck! At least I'm not puking!

One plus to being sick is that I can get caught up on all of the TV I have had to TiVo. Ellen, Intervention ( it's sad to see how low people's lives become...makes me feel SO normal!), and a few others. It's pitiful though....I have a little table set up beside my "new home"...otherwise known as the recliner. The illness paraphernalia consists of all sorts of cold medicine for daytime AND night time, tissues, thermometer, a glass for Diet Pepsi, a BIG travel mug for tea (the favorite seems to be Celestial Seasonings Blueberry), Tylenol, laptop, magazines, sugar-free Ricola, notepad and pens, hand sanitizer, Chapstick and magazines. I am a high maintenance sick person so it seems.

But I guess my current condition fits the weather....gloomy, misty, foggy, rainy, cool, and just yucky! There is no sunshine to heat up my greenhouse. I think I would benefit from a dose of greenhouse heat! Or a trip to FL. Maybe I should finagle an invitation from my dad. Mr. RV says it's in the 80's, sunny and just perfect! Kathy, you can join me! You need some warmth and sunshine too! lol

Sunday, February 3, 2008

She's Done It Again!

You may be tiring on my constant amusement with Ellen, but did you see the Hawaii Chair footage? OMG....and this thing is for real!!!! Scroll down the page to the "moment of the week" (next to Brad Pitt) I think we ALL need one of these. As a matter of fact, it could be useful in MY job. Let's put one (or two) on the ambulance! It'll cure what ails ya!