Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What? No Sugar-Free Mocha??!?!?!

I am in the midst of a major crisis. Starbuck's may have discontinued their sugar-free mocha syrup. I love the hot venti sugar-free mocha soy latte.....but have become ADDICTED to the iced version. And NOW the store in Greenwood informed me it was no longer available. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! But.....since that bombshell, all of the Starbuck's in Columbus (yes, all 3) have not heard a thing about it. I am SO getting on their website and investigating and sending them an email. I was in such a panic that I sent Paul out to buy bottles o f the syrup.....he only came home with 2 even though there is more out there. I guess love comes with a price....lol.

Yes, the craftiness continues. I made two sterling silver bracelets and an anklet (is that what you call a bracelet for your ankle? ). And get this.....I signed up for knitting classes! Does anyone remember the crafty Mom's Night Out at my house years ago where Julie W. tried to teach us to knit. Carol M. and I ended up in hysterics. We should have been wearing Depends....almost! Anyway, I am going to give it another shot. I'll keep ya posted....and NO, I am not going to knit a tree cozy.....lol.....maybe just a dog cozy! Just teasing! I'll be lucky to create a pot holder or wash cloth thingy.


Diana said...

I still need need to learn to make a bracelet..I want one for my ankle. We need to have a CLASS..You are the teacher and I am the student:)

Suzanne said...

Obviously Diana needs someone to show her how to make a bracelet Suzanne style....1) get in car 2) drive to store 3) pick one out 4) pay for it ~ see....quite easy.

Diane said...

OK.....we'll have a class. I have been feeling awfully crafty these days. Suzanne.....how funny! lol