Wednesday, July 16, 2008

They Are Home!

The boys arrived home Sunday! Yippeeeee! I missed them....and have a sneaking suspicion that they missed me too (although I am not sure they are willing to admit it). I was able to talk my dad into staying for dinner before he boarded the RV to head home. I made a peach cobbler with fresh peaches from Hackman's Market. They were SO good! We also cooked corn on the grill (our newest method). I am awaiting pictures from my dad so I can post a few more. The boys came home with all sorts of souvenirs...flattened pennies, posters, finger flashlight, penguin magnet, meerkat stuffed animal....the list goes on and on. I have been doing endless loads of laundry....icky sweat-dried, sunscreen, bug sprayed caked pieces of clothing. Yuck! Both boys spent two quiet days inside mellowing out. Today, however, they both have friends over for lunch-n-play. What a change from last week's serenity. But it's enjoyable for all of us!

Is is just the males in my life or what??!?!?! They all seem to be in a "mood." I need to check the it full? WTF?!??!??!?!?! Is anyone else having that issue (notice I diplomatically said "issue" rather than problem)?

I am back into my jewelry making obsession. I sat up until 1:30'ish last night making a double-stranded necklace and matching bracelet. The bracelet needs some revamping as I ran out of beads to make it double-stranded also. I'm watching the sale ads for Michael's, JoAnn's and Hobby Lobby for supplies. I simply refuse to pay full price when things go on sale every other week or so.

Quote O' The Day: - I got nuttin' to share. Sorry

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