Saturday, July 26, 2008

Livin' the Life!

OK....that might be exaggerating things a bit, but we have had a fun couple of days! Yesterday, Scott G. came over and brought a "professional" tie-dye kit for us to play with. We had the best time creating cool looking designs. Yes, the whole family has one including Snickers (the dog). I will post a pic as soon as we can all stand in one place long enough to snap one. The colors are so vivid!!!!! We can't wait to make more! I think I'll tie-dye underwear, sheets....anything that will sit still long enough. lol

This evening the guys went to a Cincy Reds game. They made it in time for batting practice and Alex snagged a "home run" ball. As Paul tells the story via txt message, he leaned over the wall and snagged it right out from under some other kid's glove (this kid had already caught one). There was an older gentleman standing next to Alex and gave him a huge high-five! I wish I could have seen it! They did have a rain delay but the game started around 8:00pm. Oh yeah.....and it was FREE BOBBLE-HEAD NIGHT! lmao


Diana said...

WTG Alex:)
The boys are getting so big!!!
Can you believe school starts in 2 weeks:(
I am sooo not looking forward to it! Not ready at ALL.

2 kids...3 martinis said...

Scott looks like such a BIG BOY! I can't believe he's in 3rd grade in two weeks!!!!
So glad your boys have had such good times this summer. Catching the ball ROCKS!