Thursday, July 10, 2008

When I Grow Up I Wanna Be a Scarf!

Yes,'s true! I am trying to learn to knit. Julie W. tried to teach a group of us YEARS ago...but my attempt ended with less than stellar results. Although I did laugh so hard I probably should have been wearing Depends (I know...much too much information!). But I thought I'd give it another try (w/o Depends again...brave girl that I am!) and got a lesson at Cottage Knits. Not only is the building adorable (former Neon Cupcake location), but everyone is SO nice and patient there!!!!! When I showed up for my lesson, the "instructor" asked if I wanted to make a baby blanket. EEEEEEK! Can you imagine how much time and yarn would be invested in that?!?!?!? I politely declined (in a panicky voice) and asked for a more small-scale project. We agreed on a scarf. So far so good. She showed me how to "cast on" (sounds more like fishing terminology to me) and then patiently sat with me for an hour while I struggled to get the hang of it. She had another class after to teach, so I went into a spare room with comfy chairs and friendly folks and kept at it. One woman was working on some sort of doggie hat, while a girl who could not have been any older than 17 was crocheting the most gorgeous sweater! And here I sat with my lovely little creation that dreamed of one day becoming a scarf. I felt a little silly, but hey, everyone has to start somewhere. This picture shows how far I got on Tuesday. I have completed a bit more and it IS looking a little more scarf-like...maybe.

Quote O' the Day: "Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment" ~ Oprah Winfrey


Diana said...

OK..when I grow up I want to be a Scarf made me LAUGH!!
Call me...we need to get together. I tried learning ONCE. (Tried is the KEY word:)

2 kids...3 martinis said...

I'm sure it will be beautiful when it's done.
When you get really good at the knitting thing, could you make me a few dozen scarves...we need them badly up here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cynthia Gunsinger said...

My best advice (as a knit-oholic with a short attention span) is to use fat needles when you can! The projects get done lickity split and look so cool and chunky!

Julie said...

Yippee - I am so glad that you were not scarred for life from that one moms night out. Too funny!! Your scarf looks great and I am sure you will be flying through the rows before you know it.