Friday, September 26, 2008

I Am Tired Of Pouting!

I guess a brief sabbatical was all I needed to see the world from a slightly different perspective. If there is one thing I have learned over the past 6 months it is that there are just something things over which you have no matter how badly you want it. So...the pity party is over for now (but I do reserve the right to bust out the pity party without any notice).

So we have had this tree dying in the front yard for about 4 years. Each year it gets a little worse. This year it is, for the most part, a goner. Our neighbors were having some tree trimming done and their tree dude made me an offer I couldn't refuse. So now my house looks naked! This gives me yet another project for spring.....what to put in the empty space. I have some scraping and painting to do around the garage and sunroom in Ocotber. Then I am going to paint OVER the wallpaper in the house. I know....I are probably screaming "Don't Do It!!!!!" Well, I am going to. We have been here 8 years and "no one" has bothered to help me get the REALLY high areas figured out. So painting it will be! I mean c' can't look much worse!

And yes...there actually were some highlights o' the day:

  • talked to an old friend and that brightened my day
  • made some new computerized artwork for my bedroom wall (nothing fancy...just some wise words of wisdom)
  • getting ready to make valances for my bedroom out of my favorite Longaberger fabric (I'll post pics when it's done. It will brighten things up a bit!


Diana said...

I am glad to see you are back..(in more ways then one:)
Keep Smiling...sorry I had a appt. today.
I did go get the apples..YUMMM
4 weeks from today is the Fall Festival..AHHHH

2 kids...3 martinis said...

You're back!! I have been thinking of you a lot this week and wondering how things are going. Would love to hear from you!

You are so positive and sound healthy and creative...I love it!

Take care, you! Miss you!

Suzanne said...

Hi there...great running into you. Let me know when you have some time to stop into Sbucks for a latte and conversation.