Thursday, September 11, 2008

I've got a fever and the only prescription is......More Cowbell!

Today was one of those days that I thought was going to be relaxing, productive and enjoyable. WRONGO! I did manage to get a pot of coffee brewed. The kids kind of got themselves to the bus stop. I had planned a little housework, some soccer planning and relaxing Di-time. That's not how things worked out. I spent most of my day working on soccer stuff. The uniforms are still unfinished...the game times I was given are wrong...and I had to send out email to the parents. I knew there would be repercussions. I finally managed to get out of my nightgown and into the shower before 4. I had a meeting at 5 and another at 6:30. Paul helped me out by meeting with the uniform guy to pick up our missing gear. I didn't get home until after 9:30 only to discover I had to go to the grocery store to get a lunch together for Alex's fieldtrip. After packing the lunch I checked my email and sure enough, there were displeased soccer parents. My head, by this point, was thobbing. ENOUGH ALREADY! BUT.....I have managed to come up with......

Highlights O' The Day:
  • I made caramel custards....delectible!
  • I baked bacon & swiss mini crustless quiches
  • I picked up an iced s.f vanilla soy latte....two down, one to go!
  • I laughed my a$$ off watching these clips I gotta have more cowbell! and Will Ferrell Montage


2 kids...3 martinis said...

What's wrong with those bitchy-ass soccer parents????!!!! They DO need more cowbell...I won't say WHERE they need it though.
I like your "Highlights 'O the Day!" You're so positive!!!

Diane said...

Being positive, especially right now, is a major effort. But I am trying to come up with something EACH day. Thanks so much....and I miss you bunches!!!!!!!