Tuesday, September 9, 2008

One Down...Two To Go

It's Tuesday and I finally broke down and gave in to temptation. Starbuck's. Mmmmmmm.......it was delightful, heaven in a cup, total bliss! Grande, sugar-free vanilla, soy latte. Scott G. and I stopped on the way back from Indy after totally earning a treat! We had an exhausting run earlier in the evening (but cool) and then had to take a transport WAY up north. And the best part...I still have two more lattes left for the week! Yeah me!

Daily Highlights:
  • Being exhausted to the point of giddiness and getting to watch part of Talledega Nights. That movie is SO wrong in so many ways! I love it and am still giggling.
  • Getting to hug my boys before sending them off to school. I miss saying goodnight and tucking them into bed on work-nights.
  • Sleep! Or so I hope.....off to bed I go!
Thought for the day....The important thing is to accept the struggles as a part of the beauty of life, not as blemishes on it.

1 comment:

2 kids...3 martinis said...

Glad to hear you so upbeat. Did Affirmation Girl inspire you? (he, he!)
Now, go easy on the 'Bucks!