Friday, August 29, 2008

The Big "O"....Culinary Style!

I made my first batch of protein ice cream in my NEW, fancy-schmancy Cuisinart Ice Cream maker. Oh my! It was as good as, if not better, than I expected! Here is the recipe I used;

Shelly's Peanut Butter Cup Protein Ice Cream

1 C vanilla soy milk (I use Silk Regular Vanilla - if it's good enough for Starbuck's, it's good enough for me!)
2 scoops chocolate protein Powder (I use Whey Gourmet)
1 T melted peanut butter (Jiff, of course)
3 sugar-free Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

Mix soy milk, p.b. and powder together 'til frothy. Poor into freezer and let it work it's magic. About 5 minutes before it's done, add Reeses bits. Voila!

It took less than 20 minutes to make. I wanted it a little more so soft-serve so I plopped it in the freezer for a while. I left it in too long so zapped it in the microwave for about 20 seconds. Delightful!!!!!

Tonight I am going to tweak one of Shelly's recipes and do a mixed berry cheesecake ice cream. AND Scotty wants Chocolate Frozen Yogurt. I just hopped on Ebay and ordered an extra freezer bowl. I'm gonna need it.

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