Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Relaxing Day

What a nice day I had! I awoke around 9:30 and all was quiet. The kids had been fed, Paul was out running and the animals didn't pester me. It was definitely time for coffee. I love my coffee grinder and coffee maker, so I decided it was indeed time for 6 cups of freshly ground, freshly brewed java. The weather was delightful, so I enjoyed my beverage in the sunroom. After lounging around most of the morning, Scotty was invited to a friend's house and Alex had a buddy over. I decided it was indeed time for a pre-work nap followed by a relaxing shower. Scott G. made nachos for our Sunday work-night dinner....what a great day!


2 kids...3 martinis said...

Mmmmmm...sounds like heaven! Glad to hear you enjoying your day.

Gonna answer those "7 things"???

Diana said...

Glad you had a FUN day!!!
We were in Cinti. cleaning out my parents house for a estate sale..not a lot of fun:(