Thursday, August 14, 2008

Good Ol' School Days

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Yes, back to school time! The kids were excited to get back and see their buds. They were both non-stop talkers after they got off the bus. Scotty even had Math Homework. That's just not right on the first


Diana said...

This summer went WAY to fast:(
I am having moms tomorrow night at my house for "drinks and snacks" if you want to come over:)

Suzanne said...

The boys look great...nice to hear their first day back was a good one.

2 kids...3 martinis said...

My, my, my, how time flies!

I can't believe Scotty had homework on the first day! That should be illegal...

They look so happy and grown up...glad they had a good first day!

Julie said...

Awww, gotta love that first day of school pic! They are sure growing up!!