Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Slooooooooow Down

Yes, it's that time again. Back-to-school, PTO, soccer and back to work (for me). Despite my pledge not to over-extend myself, I find I am falling back into those old habits of saying "yes" and volunteering for things before I think them through. I love volunteering and helping out. ButI have spent the day on the computer getting Scotty's soccer team info organized (I am their team manager) and the details are changing daily, sending emails for Back-to-school night (even though I am not the Market Day Diva this year), double checking our supply list and prepping for meetings. I am feelin' the stress! I find I am a bit of a perfectionist with these things and want to get it right. God forbid anyone think I am incapable or a slacker!!!!! Character flaw? I think so! I have even taken to screening my home phone calls. We don't utilize caller ID on the home phone so I just let it roll to voice mail. Slacker!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

That photo is just too darn funny! I can't believe school is next week ~ we are SO not ready for it.